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Apply for a postdoctoral fellowship with water@leeds

We support outstanding individuals, both from the UK and overseas, who wish to apply for externally-funded fellowships to join water@leeds and develop collaborations with our research experts. Funding can be sought from the following sources:

Arts & Humanities Research Council (deadline typically March)

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (deadline typically May)

Economic & Social Research Council (deadline typically March)

Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (deadline typically October)

EU Marie Curie (deadline typically September)

Leverhulme Trust (deadline typically February)

Natural Environment Research Council (deadline typically November)

Royal Society Wolfson Fellowship (usually 3 deadlines per year)

UKRI Future Leader Fellowships (deadline typically July):

Please contact if you wish to discuss a potential application

Share information with prospective applicants

To support colleagues in encouraging applications for post doctoral fellowships, we have created the flyers below.  Printed copies are available from the water@leeds office, or you can download below.

flyer1 - with a River Basin image

flyer2 - with a Glacier image

flyer3 - with a Leaf image

flyer4 - with Crop Spraying image

flyer5 - with image showing collection of water samples

flyer6 - with image of natural flood management fieldwork