Early Stage Researchers
ESR1 Saman Hashemi
Project: Designing the ideal river flow regime: designer flows for delivering good ecological potential in regulated rivers
ESR2 Gabriele Consoli
Project: Linking the ecological effects of e-flows with sediment regimes in rivers
ESR3 Devanshi Pathak
Project: Integrating water quantity and quality in eco-hydrological relationships
ESR4 Lorenzo Pin
Project: Linking environmental flows to changes in river ecosystem structure and functioning mediated by water chemistry and biotic interactions
ESR5 Selin Kubilay
Project: Microbial metabolism of terrestrial resources in river corridors under variable flow regimes: match-mismatch scenarios between resources and consumers
ESR6 Tapiwa Zimunya
Project: River food web responses to reservoir outflow manipulation
ESR7 Cassia Pompeu
Project: Basin-region hydromorphological alteration links to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
ESR8 Raquel Arias Font
Host Institute: University of Birmingham
Project: Testing the effect of hydrological alteration on stream ecosystem functioning
Project: Testing the effect of hydrological alteration on stream ecosystem functioning
ESR9 Tulio Soto
Host Institute: University of Trento
Project: Linkages between river habitat dynamics and channel morpho-dynamics at the mesoscale
Project: Linkages between river habitat dynamics and channel morpho-dynamics at the mesoscale
ESR10 Minh Hoang
Host Institute: University of Cantabria
Project: Effects of hydrological and water quality alteration on river fish and macroinvertebrate production
Project: Effects of hydrological and water quality alteration on river fish and macroinvertebrate production
ESR11 Hanna Schulz
Host Institute: Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB)
Project: Functional implications of river thermal response to flow dynamics
Project: Functional implications of river thermal response to flow dynamics
ESR12 Afua Owusu
Project: Improved reservoir operating policies for implementation of environmental flows
ESR13 Hatem Khedr
Project: Integrating land use with river regulation effects on river flows and water quality
ESR14 Cordula Wittekind
Project: Future river flows: designing and modelling environmental flow regimes to account for changing climate and policy drivers
ESR15 Diana Derepasko
Project: Towards integrated e-flow assessment at multiple scales
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 765553