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Undertake transformational fundamental and applied research that enables us to be at the heart of the global water research and innovation community.


Enhance and develop partnerships with global and local organisations to maximise the value of water research.


Generate research outcomes which have major positive impacts on society and the environment, reduce inequalities and shape a better future for humankind.

Next Generation

Train the next generation of water experts who will develop the knowledge, skills and interdisciplinary awareness to make a positive contribution to tackling water-related challenges.


Water Woman Award: making a positive impact

The water@leeds Water Woman Award celebrates a fourth edition this year, as it continues to recognize the achievements of women in water research, and their power to inspire others. To encourage those who may be considering applications and nominations this week, two previous 2023 winners have reflected on the benefits of the award and talked...

IndabaX Madagascar 2024: Empowering AI Solutions for Local Challenges with a Storm Nowcasting Hackathon

Mendrika Rakotomanga, a PhD researcher in the School of Mathematics, has led a hackathon event in his home country of Madagascar. In the hackathon, a group of data science students will create innovative AI-based solutions for predicting the movement of thunderstorms. This activity is the first of its kind in the region, and has the...

water@leeds Cheney Fellow 2024

We are delighted to welcome Dr. Gabriel López Porras as our Cheney Fellow 2024. Gabriel is a member of the Faculty of Zootechnics and Ecology, Autonomous University of Chihuahua, Mexico. He is an alumnus of the University's School of Earth and Environment where he undertook his PhD research, graduating in 2019.    He has written...

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