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Missions of water@leeds


water@leeds enables a collegiate and inclusive environment which brings together researchers from different disciplines, backgrounds and career stages within the University of Leeds. We work with partner organisations internationally, nationally and regionally to tackle water-related challenges at a range of scales.
Through our collaborative approach water@leeds will:

Mission 1

Undertake transformational fundamental and applied research that enables us to be at the heart of the global water research and innovation community.

Mission 2

Enhance and develop partnerships with global and local organisations to maximise the value of water research.

Mission 3

Generate research outcomes which have major positive impacts on society and the environment, reduce inequalities and shape a better future for humankind.

Mission 4

Train the next generation of water experts who will develop the knowledge, skills and interdisciplinary awareness to make a positive contribution to tackling water-related challenges.


Funding portfolio

Our research is funded by a variety of funding bodies including:

  • Research councils:
    Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC), Engeneering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
  • Government: Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra),  Environment Agency
  • International sources: European Union and  UNESCO
  • Industrial sponsors

We currently operate around £90M worth of externally funded research and innovation projects in water and we thank our many collaborative and funding partners from industry, government sponsors, charities and other donors from around the world who enable us to deliver high-quality research which makes an impact on people’s lives.

As part of our vision to deliver innovative solutions to water problems, we are developing the next generation of water leaders via our doctoral research and training centre.