- Hoffmann, P., Novo, P., Villamayor Tomas, S. (2023) Drought adaptation and irrigation modernization in Spain: Report on the academic state of the art. Report produced as part of the Drought Adapt IAA Project. You can download a copy (in Spanish) here.
- An extended summary of this report has been published in pages 36-38 of the Boletin Intercuencas, number 75, March 2023, edited by FENACORE here.
- Villamayor Tomas S., Novo, P., Hoffmann, P. (2022) Sequías, adaptación y Gestión en las Comunidades de Regantes Españolas: Un macro estudio con datos de 2014 y 2018. Presentation delivered at the XV Congreso Nacional de Regantes, Leon (Spain), 30 May – 2 June 2022. A copy of the presentation can be downloaded here.
- Proposed Special Session on ‘Collective water use, droughts, and modernization in Spanish irrigation’ at the XIV Congreso Asociación Española de Economía Agroalimentaria to take place in Zaragoza, Spain, 6-8 September 2023.
- Villamayor-Tomas, S., Novo, P. (to be submitted) Individual vs. collective responses to droughts?: A large-n study of collective irrigation management in Spain.