The £1m project led by G2O Water Technologies to develop new, graphene-based water filters has teamed up with water@leeds to bring the technology closer to addressing world-wide water scarcity. Read the full University of Leeds press release here. The story has also been featured in the Yorkshire Post. Click here to read the full article....
The water@leeds Annual Report 2016-2017 is now available to view at The Report contains facts and figures about water@leeds' performance and membership throughout the 2016-2017 academic year, as well as highlighting some of our members' successes, new research and funding, and a list of selected publications.
An innovative project aims to demonstrate that landscape restoration could protect at-risk upland communities from flash flooding. Professor Joseph Holden, director of water@leeds at the University of Leeds, is co-investigator on the £1.2m project, which will investigate natural flood management methods as a low-cost way to reduce flooding in rural communities that are near steep...
Earthwatch Seminar hosted by water@leeds and School of Civil Engineering Date: Friday 20 October 2017 Speakers: Dr Wim Clymans and Luis Felipe Velasquez Missed the Earthwatch Seminar? Click here to see the slides. About Earthwatch Earthwatch ( has a long history (since the 1970s) in the development and delivery of citizen science projects...
Rosalind Bark, Julia Martin-Ortega & Kerry Waylen September 2017 This briefing note presents a summary of the results of a survey that was conducted during the spring of 2017. A total 118 respondents across the UK with a broad interest in flood risk, water, land or environmental management answered the survey. The survey’s aim was...
Dr Julia Martin-Ortega (Earth and Environment) and Dr Miller Alonso Camargo-Valero (Civil Engineering) have just been awarded one of the five projects funded by the UK’s Global Food Security programme (£1.51M). The Programme, which is led by the BBSRC, ESRC, NERC and the Scottish government, is funding £4.9 million of interdisciplinary research to...
Researchers have called for urgent global action to address the effects of rapidly shrinking glaciers on ecosystems further downstream. Although the impact of melting glaciers on sea levels has received much attention, a team of academics have outlined other effects that will have a significant impact on freshwater and near-shore marine systems downstream. These range...
The International Solid Waste Association (ISWA) Task Force, led by Dr Costas Velis from the University of Leeds, has published a report highlighting the seriousness of marine litter and identifying potential areas of intervention. The President of ISWA, Antonis Mavropoulos, said: “Marine litter is becoming a global challenge, similar to climate change.” “Our oceans are...
From 05 to 07 September, water@leeds hosted the International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM7)at the University of Leeds. The conference, on the theme of ‘Resilience to Global Changes – Anticipating the Unexpected,’ boasted 172 presentations from researchers and industry alongside keynote speeches from Prof. Chris Zevenbergen, Prof. Koji Ikeuchi, Dr Gero Michel, Dr Paul Whitfield, Mr...
Leeds has recently become a Core City in the EUROCITIES Water Working Group's Urban Water Agenda (UWA2030) Initiative, represented by a collaboration including Leeds City Council, University of Leeds and Leeds Beckett. Feedback is sought before 31st July from European cities of all sizes as well as stakeholders of the water sector, such as: water utilities...