Freshwater Quality Programme
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ECOMIX: Assessing and Managing the Impacts of Mixtures of Chemicals on UK Freshwater Biodiversity in a Changing World Join members of the ECOMIX research team, who will present on the progress of their project. The ECOMIX team is developing a novel assessment framework for assessing the real impacts of chemical pollution in UK rivers. It...
Water Systems Integration Modelling Framework (WSIMOD): A physically-based simulation tool to inform future water planning at a systems level. A presentation from Dr Barnaby Dobson, Faculty of Engineering, Imperial College London. 'At the Water Systems Integration research group, Imperial College London, we have developed a framework, WSIMOD, that facilitates coupled simulations of the terrestrial water...
Invasive Non Native Species: impact on freshwaters and biosecurity to slow the spread - a presentation by Alison M. Dunn, Professor of Ecology, School of Biology, University of Leeds. This webinar is one of a series on a range of related topics organised by the Champions team for the NERC Freshwater Quality programme. The webinars...
Matt Hill, from Yorkshire Water will present on UKWIR's Chemical Investigations Programme (CIP) which is the UK water industry’s response to current and emerging legislation on trace chemical substances in the water environment. The programme brings together the 10 large water and wastewater companies in England and Wales with regulators (Defra, the Environment Agency and...
Presenter: Dr Laura Carter is an Associate Professor in Soil and Environmental Chemistry at the University of Leeds, UK. Laura’s research focuses on understanding the fate and uptake of emerging contaminants in the natural environment, with particular focus on soil-plant systems. Laura currently holds a prestigious UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship which funds the project: ‘Contaminants of emerging concern...
Dr Vicky Bell, Dr Stephen Lofts and the project team working on Long-Term Large-Scale Freshwater Ecosystems (LTLS-FE) will present their progress so far. This project is one of the five which make up the UK Freshwater Quality Programme. To receive registration details for this event, please join our mailing list or email Analysis and...
Professor Penny Johnes, University of Bristol presents an update from the QUANTUM project, which is one of the five UK wide projects funded by NERC and DEFRA which make up the UK Freshwater Quality Programme. QUANTUM (Quantifying the combined nutrient enrichment, pathogenic, and ecotoxicological impacts of livestock farming on UK rivers) is working with scientists,...
Dr Daniel Read, UK Centre of Ecology & Hydrology presents an update from the PAthways of Chemicals Into Freshwaters and their ecological ImpaCts (PACIFIC) project which is one of the five UK wide projects funded by NERC and DEFRA which make up the UK Freshwater Quality Programme. This project focuses on understanding the link between...
Professor Andrew Tyler, University of Stirling presents an update on the MOT4Rivers project, which is one of the five UK wide projects funded by NERC and DEFRA which make up the UK Freshwater Quality Programme. MOT4Rivers, led by the University of Stirling with partners University of Glasgow, The James Hutton Institute, UK Centre for Ecology...