NERC Freshwater Quality Programme Webinar - PACIFIC project update

- Date
- Tuesday 16 April 2024, 11.00
- Location
- Zoom
- Category
- Freshwater Quality Programme
Dr Daniel Read, UK Centre of Ecology & Hydrology presents an update from the PAthways of Chemicals Into Freshwaters and their ecological ImpaCts (PACIFIC) project which is one of the five UK wide projects funded by NERC and DEFRA which make up the UK Freshwater Quality Programme.
This project focuses on understanding the link between the sources of chemical pollutants and their pathways, fate, and ecological impacts in freshwater ecosystems.
Project field sites are: the River Thames and Bristol Avon catchments, with locations chosen to coincide with Wastewater Treatment Works to understand how chemicals in sewage effluents contribute to chemical burden and ecological impacts across land use gradients.
PACIFIC is led by Dr Daniel Read, UK Centre of Ecology & Hydrology, including partners University of Bath, University of Oxford, and the Environment Agency.
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