The water@leeds team would like to invite PGRs to participate in the 'Clean Water and Sanitation' Global Shared Learning: Classroom 2024 programme led by Tecnologico de Monterrey Mexico. This initiative is open to PGR students interested in developing their global citizen skills. The programme is aligned with the University of Leeds vision of being a...
The world is experiencing high levels of water insecurity, and vulnerable communities are experiencing the devastating consequences. water@leeds researchers at the School of Civil Engineering are developing MUISKA - a water security risk assessment toolkit which aims to improve management of water-security risks in river basins. This research forms part of work by the Water...
The water@leeds research community is inspired by the global and regional grand challenges for water. We invite you to interact with our research map which shows the locations of our partnership projects around the world. Click on the map to and select pins to find our more about each project. water@leeds currently operates around £90M...
HyCristal along with CHAMNHA and African SWIFT feature in a showcase of current research on international development and climate change which is supporting the COP26 priorities. The UKCDR showcase which can be downloaded here COP26 Climate Change Research-Showcase-Booklet, shows some of the outstanding contributions this research is making to delivering impacts in the context of...
As part of the HyCRISTAL Project, the team spent time with some community groups in Kisumu and Kampala talking about their experiences of flooding in the urban areas where they live. We talked about what happened before, during and after a flood, and how high the waters came and where actually got flooded. Initially this was to inform our flood modelling, and check the accuracy of our simulations, but listening to their stories, we wanted to do something with the stories they were telling about their real, lived experience of these events.