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UK Freshwater Quality Programme Webinar : Co-contaminant Exposure in the Aquatic Environment Following Antibiotic Manufacturing

Freshwater Quality Programme
Thursday 26 September 2024, 11.00-12.00

Presenter:  Dr Laura Carter is an Associate Professor in Soil and Environmental Chemistry at the University of Leeds, UK. Laura’s research focuses on understanding the fate and uptake of emerging contaminants in the natural environment, with particular focus on soil-plant systems.

Laura currently holds a prestigious UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship which funds the project: Contaminants of emerging concern in agricultural systems: a risk to soil and plant health?’

This project will establish a science platform that uses multidisciplinary approaches to evaluate the global risk of chemicals in agricultural systems. Through a combination of laboratory and field work, it will offer a fundamental change in how we assess the risks of emerging contaminants in the environment by combining expertise in the fields of agriculture, soil and plant health.

Laura is a member of the Hazardous Substances Advisory Committee (HSAC), an Editorial Board Member for Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, and a UK Council Member, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC).

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