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The Global Phosphorus Challenge: delivering societal impact from environmental research


Join us on 30 March 2023 for a networking event which is an opportunity for academics at all levels to discuss most recent research on the global phosphorus challenge and reflect on what societal impact can be derived from such research from the perspective of multiple disciplines.

Participants will explore the multidimensional environmental challenges revolving around phosphorus from different academic disciplines with renowned phosphorous and environmental scholars.

This is a water@leeds joint event organised with the RecaP project, an EU-funded MSCA PhD training network (agreement 956454) that explores technical and socio-political challenges of changing Phosphorus needs, with contributions from Global Food and Environment Institute, Leeds.

Register here: The Global Phosphorus Challenge: Networking Event Tickets, Thu 30 Mar 2023 at 09:30 | Eventbrite


9:30: Registration

10:00 – 10:15: Welcome and purpose of the day - Prof Julia Martin-Ortega (University of Leeds)

10:15 – 10:45: Introduction to RECAP, its achievements so far, and its future outlook, Dr Kasper Reitzel (University of Southern Denmark)

10:45 – 11:00: Aims and format of the day - Dr Markus Fraundorfer (University of Leeds)

11:00 – 13:00: Roundtable Discussion: The Global Phosphorus Challenge: delivering societal impact from environmental research – facilitated by Dr Markus Fraundorfer

• Prof Alison Baker, Professor of Cell and Molecular Biology (School of Molecular and Cellular Biology, University of Leeds)

• Dr Miller Alonso Camargo-Valero, Associate Professor of BioResource Systems (School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds)

• Prof Fiona Smith, Professor in International Economic Law (School of Law, University of Leeds)

• Prof Marc Stutter, Senior Scientist in Environment and Biochemical Sciences (The James Hutton Institute)

• Prof Simon Poulton, Chair in Biogeochemistry and Earth History (School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds)

• Dr Outi Grönfors, Principal Scientist for Water Treatment (Kemira, Helsinki)

13:15 – 14:15: Networking Lunch

14:15 – 14:35: Concluding Remarks from Prof Steven Banwart, Chair in Integrated Soil / Agriculture / Water Research, Director of the Global Food and Environment Institute (University of Leeds)

14:35 – 14:45: Closing – Prof Julia Martin-Ortega