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Confluence 2023

Member news

We were delighted to welcome more than 80 members of water@leeds to Confluence 2023 which was held at University House on 19th October.

Our annual event included 31 Lightning Talks and the presenters inspired us with the depth and breadth of interdisciplinary water research taking place across the University. For more information on the topics presented the Agenda is here:  Confluence 2023_Agenda.

Presenters: Fiona Middlebrook and Thom Freeth (Knowledge Equity Network, Vice Chancellors Office), Taylor Maavara (Geography), Mirsya Mulyani (Earth and Environment), Geoff Goodwin (Politics and International Studies), Adam Booth (Earth and Environment), George Aivaliotis (Mathematics), Eric Atwell (Computing).

Presenters: Susannah Hopson (water@leeds RIDO), Devakunjari Vadibeler (Andel KTP), Julia Martin Ortega (Associate Director water@leeds, Earth and Environment), Danielle Robinson (Earth and Environment), Miller Alonso Camargo Valero (Civil Engineering), Lee Brown (Associate Director water@leeds, Geography), Mark Trigg (Associate Director water@leeds, Civil Engineering), Jiaqi Ge (Geography).

Presenters: Addi Manolopoulou (Business Faculty), Martin Tillotson (Director water@leeds, Civil Engineering), Cathryn Birch (Geography), Steve Carver (Geography), Carolina Montoya Pachongo (Civil Engineering), Daniel Colson (Geography), Jan Selby (Politics and International Studies), Joseph Holden (Director water@leeds, Geography).

Presenters: Radhike Borde (Geography), Josh Cohen (Earth and Environment), Anna Mdee (Politics and International Studies), Hang Wu (Civil Engineering), Cintya Villacorta Ranera (Earth and Environment), Andy Turner (Research IT), Thitipoom Chailert (Civil Engineering), John Nightingale (Geography).