Join water@leeds
Join water@leeds
Membership to water@leeds is open to University of Leeds Staff and Postgraduate students of all faculties interested in water research.
Benefits of the water@leeds membership:
- Opportunity to engage with water researchers from all faculties of the University of Leeds
- Opportunity to engage with the water@leeds stakeholders network which includes NGO’s, local government agencies and SMEs interested in water
- Receive guidance and support in Research Grant Application
- Receive guidance and support to establish non-academic partnerships
- Invitation to seminars, workshops and networking events
- Support in the organisation of water-related events
- Updates on activities, opportunities, publications and events
- Support for doctoral and MSc Students
Responsibilities of water@leeds members:
- Participating in activities that promote water@leeds missions
- Promote interdisciplinary collaborations with researchers and stakeholders
- Contribute to water@leeds events and communications
- Support the personal development of other members
- Participate in the decision-making process of water@leeds activities and organisation
How to join
If you are interested in joining water@leeds please email indicating your name, position, faculty/school and research interests.