water@leeds Confluence 2022
We welcome you to join us for our annual event which is all about sharing ideas, meeting new people, and creating new interdisciplinary collaborations around the theme of water.
There are no disciplinary boundaries - we welcome presentations and participants from across faculties.
We hope you will join us for the first in-person Confluence since our 10th Anniversary celebration in 2019!
Date: Thursday 13 October, 10.45-15.00.
Please email us at water@leeds.ac.uk if you wish to discuss your idea before submitting it.
Register your attendance or Lightning Talk here
10:45 Registration
11:00 Welcome- Directors
11:05 water@leeds strategy update – Associate Directors
11:25 water@leeds Lightning Talks - 11 talks
12:05 water@leeds strategy - interactive session Mission 1-2
12:30 Networking lunch
13:00 water@leeds strategy - Mission 3-4
13:30 water@leeds strategy - Feedback from interactive session
13:45 water@leeds lightning talks – 12 talks
14:15 Closing: What’s next with strategy
Announcements: Water Woman 2023 & SPRING Competition Autumn 2022
14:20- 15:00 Networking drinks and snacks
Photograph: Confluence 2018