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water@leeds Confluence 2020

Thursday 10 September 2020, 10.00
Online webinar

The annual water@leeds Confluence will take place on Thursday 10th September, 10.00- 12.30, using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra.  This event is an opportunity to network and develop new collaborations.

Join us to talk about all things related to water.  Register via eventbrite.

New members and new attendees would be really welcome as the event is a chance to share new ideas, ongoing work and expertise and look for potential new collaborations across all disciplines.

There will be an opportunity for you to share your research or project ideas with other colleagues during the lightning talk session. Lightning talks provide a great chance to introduce yourself/a project/new ideas etc to the wider water@leeds community.  Register here if you would like to give a lightning talk.

Photograph: water@leeds 10th Anniversary evening networking, September 2019. Ann Marie Boyle