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Leeds and other Core Cities seeking views on EU Urban Water Agenda 2030

New Projects

Leeds has recently become a Core City in the EUROCITIES Water Working Group's Urban Water Agenda (UWA2030) Initiative, represented by a collaboration including Leeds City Council, University of Leeds and Leeds Beckett.

Feedback is sought before 31st July from European cities of all sizes as well as stakeholders of the water sector, such as: water utilities and providers, water industry, research and academic community.

Views will be taken into account in the future design of the Urban Water Agenda, which is to be relevant to cities’ local circumstances, needs and interests.  For more information on the survey and the UWA2030 process, visit

The survey consists of 4 sections: personal information, framework of the initiative, strategic directions, and commitment process. Having read the UWA2030 draft strategy, the survey takes around 15 minutes to complete and is accessible here: